Fundamentally, what does a food Blogger/vlogger do? A food Blogger/vlogger eats!
Food as we know it is a gateway to the soul. Like water, it’s something that our body and mind need. It comes in different forms, different opinions, different cultures, and different beliefs, but it is something we cannot do without.
Food ironically is a fascinating subject globally. And its dynamics are a bit farfetched. Although the 21st century, we still have the primitive tribal in the heart of Kenya that drink the warm blood of their kill, to the tribal in the amazon that forges the forest for 3 straight days to find bush meat, to a 5 Michelin star restaurant in NYC, they all have one thing in common, the culture that we have grown up in and that reflects on what comes on our plates.
Food is not just an art, it’s not just a science, it’s a lifestyle, and important for all of us to have a basic idea of what goes on around us on the globe we live in reflected through the food that we eat.
Let’s face it, like sex, food is often taboo as well. I mean, how many of us can eat a rotten 4-day old bush meat like the tribal in the amazon, or have dog meat in some provinces in China, or have the fresh pig blood delicacy in Vietnam?
Not many of us. We, simply put, do not have the mindset and the stomach for it, but it’s important for us to know what is going on where we live. Here education suddenly plays an important role across all age groups, genders, nationalities, and races.
This can be achieved via elaborated but interesting content.
People love to know about the unique cuisines of the street food in Thailand, to the diversity of the taste in the Indian Cuisine, to the gut-wrenching weird food in the back ally markets in China, to the multinational cuisines in the food courts, and to the high end $500 per plate Michelin restaurants.
Although we have segregation in Non-vegetarian, vegetarian, and vegan in our fellow citizens of the world – they all still have a sense of curiosity. This very golden tool within the human mind, paths ways for multiple bloggers and vloggers who have it within them, to put across fascinating content for the people.
Equipped with just a mobile phone, one can begin this journey and make it as natural as possible. The food blogging life begins within the 1km radius of where we live and we gradually extend the geographies once we have a certain established formula for the food blogs, we begin traveling and exploring more.
With the help of Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook – there are so many people who live through knowledge that can be touched and influenced.
Ironically, a seasoned Blogger/vlogger also knows that local businesses (eateries, restaurants, QSR, etc) can also be impacted via the Blogger/vlogger, consistently and comprehensively. That’s why many of us now adapt the #vocalforlocal
With the current race of hardware for a better consumer experience, we will soon have the market flooded with cheap mobiles and cameras that will make things so much easier for the Blogger/vlogger than it was, let’s say two years ago.
Lastly, how is a food blogger/vlogger wired?
You can’t be disgusted, but, opinionated you can be.
You can have boundaries but not conditions.
The real tough part here is that if you have any emotions about what you eat, it will show on your face and that can piss people off or ruin your shot.
Hence, comfort for a food vlogger begins on the plate.
Then it’s the team. You have to have great chemistry with the person behind the camera. They often give you exactly what you need when you are yourself. You look straight into the camera with arrow focus on the lens and what you say. That's it.
Much love and more food power to you.
Mathew Kordolia has over 20+ years in events, entertainment and artist management across India. Currently the founder of Great Voucher Place, an O2O (Offline to Online) commerce, that has taken transparency as the core objective between the consumer and the partner in India. With a simple mission of attracting consumers offline – Habituate them – migrate them online.
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