2022 The Year of Disruptive Distinction
Every year I strategically give a year a title. 2021 was "the year of timeless distinction", 2020 was "the year of legacy distinction" and 2019 "the year of global distinction" etc etc. It's no coincidence I've called 2022 "The Year of Disruptive Distinction", why, we’re living in truly unprecedented but extremely exciting times, the era of creative distinction. We’re seeing the crashing of systems, the calling out of governments but also the creation of a new creative and value driven disruption. Disruption is not necessarily good and it's not necessarily bad but disruption is real. TM Lewin a British menswear retailer was founded in 1898. Over the years it led with design and product disruption. COVID_19 came and delivered an unprecedented disruption which unfortunately in 2020 caused TM Lewin to close all its 66 UK stores. Because of disruption, do you know history can dissolve in the space of 12 months but an intentional disruption in a 12 month period can cause a future disruption to become a now disruption?
In a time of disruption many leaders will be made while others will break. Throughout history, we've seen leaders rise in the midst of adversity to end up living their legacy and leaving, their legacy. During the great depression of the 1930’s, IBM CEO Thomas Watson made two decisions that took IBM from faltering in uncertainty to 45 years of cutting edge leadership. Now, IBM is again taking the lead with cutting edge technology such as IBM Watson. So, in the year of "disruptive distinction", what’s your disruptive and creative legacy? In this era of creative distinction, being resilient, bold and intentional are vital traits in becoming a leader of distinction. As a leader, your disruption will come from seeing what no one else is seeing then creating a value driven disruption which can be received and understood on a local, national and global level. During Nokia's reign as a mobile phone giant, the iPhone appeared with their creative distinction. Nokia didn’t know how to quickly pivot and instead of focusing on disruption, they focused on the competition. Do you know focusing on the competition and not on disruption can cause you to become an agitated thinker rather than an agile thinker?
To become an agile thinker and leader of distinction will mean you use disruption as a platform to see new opportunities and possibilities even in the midst of obstacles and problems. So, we're not just in the year of disruptive distinction but also, we're in the era of creative distinction and with these truths, the world is looking for leaders who are selfless rather than selfish, who are agile thinkers rather than agitated thinkers and who are visionary minded rather than have a victim mentality. The call has been made, so, will you ignore and divert to voicemail or, will you answer and become a leader of distinction who is disruptive in nature and results. But, what actually is leadership? Below are four timeless insights that give a short, structured and simple answer.
"Leadership is bringing people into new realms of excellence and challenging them to become distinguished in their chosen field." ~ Onyi Anyado.
"Leadership isn't about age but rather, leadership is about influence, impact and inspiration." ~ Onyi Anyado.
"Distinction in leadership isn't a mindset, distinction in leadership is a state of mind." ~ Onyi Anyado.
"Distinction in leadership isn't about me, myself and I, distinction in leadership is about him, her and us." ~ Onyi Anyado.
Onyi Anyado is a UK based Global Leadership Speaker, Futurist and Corporate Trainer. Onyi coaches and trains senior management teams, leaders and organisations on how to lead with their distinction in the 2020's and beyond.
Fondly referred to as ‘Mr Distinction’, Onyi is a multiple award-winning Global Leadership Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Futurist and Author. Onyi speaks at seminars and conferences around the world and also delivers bespoke leadership programmes for CEO’s and Senior Management. Onyi is also an Advisor at Founder4Schools and Founder of B1 Coaching.
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