Honoured to Introducesss
Bomi Doctor
Owner Koncept Marketing Consultants
Global Leadership & Transformation Community
Mumbai Chapter
Bomi has been involved in Sales and Marketing, across various industry types, both national and internationally, in countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Middle East and even China and East Africa. His Company “Koncept Marketing Consultants”, addresses Attitudinal issues, Conflict Resolution, Mentoring, Decision Making, Team Building, Leadership and Executive Excellence for senior level professionals
Market Research
Marketing Strategy
Business Planning
Ex: Head of Consumer Products
Koncept Marketing Consultants
Jan 1998 - Present . -
Owner and Chief Strategist & Trainer
Koncept Marketing Consultants
Academic details
Jai Hind College
B.Sc. M.M.M
Articles / Publications
I am being interviewed on the 31st July, 2021. Do make it a point to attend.
Hi Guys, I am being interviewed on the 31st July, 2021. Do make it a point to attend. Click on the link below This is the google video meet link for Bomi Doctor’s Interview on his book, The Leadership Handbook. Saturday, 31 July · 5:00 – 6:00pm Google Meet joining info Video call link: https://meet.google.com/adw-wgzb-zvf…
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