- To provide a platform for upskilling passionate civic leaders with the help of expert speakers in order to motivate them to enter political/public service.
- Create leadership capacity at the municipal level to enable better city governance.
- To boost the abilities, and skills of individuals around the world and create impactful leaders.
"The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow." - Nelson Mandela

We will be providing knowledge on the core topics related to effective leadership in order to sharpen their skill sets so that they have an edge in everything they do. These knowledge pieces will be delivered by experts directly, which will empower the youth to affect positive change in society.

Political Analysis simply means any systematic attempt to understand, examine, evaluate as well as explain any form of political phenomena like government policies, political stability or instability, corruption, etc. by first breaking them down into conceptual parts in order to make sense of the interplay between its associated variables. Civic leaders need to have an understanding of political analysis for making strategic decisions of creating alliances with political leaders and parties for the development of society.
A political narrative is a way in which storytelling can shape facts and impact understanding of reality. However, a political narrative is not only a theoretical concept, it is also a tool employed by political figures in order to construct the perspectives of people within their environment and alter relationships between social groups and individuals. To run successful campaigns a leader should have appropriate knowledge of Narrative building as it helps in influencing the community at large.
Profile building is a systematic, logical, research-based method to enhance your professional goals. It is a tool through which you can introspect and bring out the capabilities and strengths within you, making yourself aware of your inner self thus becoming more confident to face the outside world. In terms of a civic standpoint, profile building is necessary so that society can have an understanding of the profile of the leader, as to why that particular candidate is ideal an leader.
A campaign is an organized effort that seeks to influence the decision-making progress of a specific group. In democracies, political campaigns often refer to electoral campaigns, by which representatives are chosen. Hence as a civic leader, it is important to influence a large number of people therefore, it is essential to implement successful campaign marketing techniques.
Political capital can be understood as a type of currency used to mobilize voters, achieve policy reform, or accomplish other political goals. It is a metaphor used in political theory to conceptualize the accumulation of resources and power built through relationships, trust, goodwill, and influence between politicians or parties and other stakeholders, such as constituents. A good civic leader should have the potential to build political capital as it is also a method of assuring society that the candidate has the ability to initiate changes and reforms with the help of the gathered political capital.
Personality refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving, therefore, personality development is defined as a process of developing and enhancing one's personality. It helps an individual to gain confidence and high self-esteem as well as it has a positive impact on one's communication skills and the way one sees the world. To be a good leader one should have a well-groomed and balanced personality. When leaders begin to focus on self-improvement, this also helps with contributing to a clear vision for the team.
Soft skills are personal attributes that influence how well you can work or interact with others. As building connections and communications are an essential part of being a civic leader these skills make it easier to form relationships with people, create trust and dependability, and lead teams.
Public speaking has traditionally meant the act of speaking face to face to a live audience. For politicians, public speaking is critical because it helps them spread their messages and learn more about voters' minds. This skill plays a crucial part in the life of a leader because if you're not a good speaker, you won't be able to convey to society what you have to offer, and hence, it's unlikely that people will vote for you.
DLC B.PAC Leadership Program strives to connect young leaders with success stories of well-known leaders around the globe, in order to spur individuals to continue to push the boundaries and thrive toward leadership. These stories will also help in activating behavior in the intended direction of good leadership and facilitate unlearning of unproductive, obsolete, and restrictive practices.
Motivational lectures work to inspire you, enhance your creativity, reduce fear & apprehension, and offer a new outlook on things, therefore DLC B.PAC Leadership Program has included it as a part of its modules so that our aspiring leaders are motivated and are on the right track for their exponential growth.
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Honorable Speakers
Politicians are the representatives of the people and they hold the power to legislate therefore, they can share their first-hand experience of practical leadership, management, and execution of plans with the students in order to encourage them to be good civic leaders.
Bureaucrats work in a large administrative system / Government. Therefore, they are well versed in the recent government policies, rules, and regulations. They also have an understanding of the required skill sets to become a good civic leader.
Political Analysts and Strategists
To be a civic leader it is essential for an individual to study how political systems originate, develop, and operate. Political analysts research and analyze governments, political ideas, policies, political trends, and foreign relations.
Expert Speakers
Expert Sessions will be held on various topics of soft skills, personality development, life skills, digital marketing, PR, etc. These sessions are necessary for the holistic development of impactful civic leaders.
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About B.PAC
Bangalore Political Action Committee (B.PAC) is a non-partisan citizen’s group that aims to improve governance in Bengaluru and enhance the quality of life of every Bangalorean. B.PAC is specifically targeting good governance practices, integrity, and transparency in all arms of the government; identification and support of strong candidates for public office at all levels as well as improving the quality of infrastructure in the city. Ultimately, creating a safer city where the rule of law is ensured for its residents is highlighted in B.PAC’s Bengaluru charter and agenda.
140 Volunteers
A key ingredient for the success of B.PAC is the collaborations with its partners that help them reach their objectives of creating impactful civic leaders. There are a number of well-known Program Partners, Government agencies, CSR partners, Media partners, etc that help in the implementation of the B.PAC program.
Bangalore Political Action Committee (B.PAC) is a non-partisan citizen’s group that aims to improve governance in Bengaluru and enhance the quality of life of every Bangalorean. B.PAC is specifically targeting good governance practices, integrity, and transparency in all arms of the government, improving the quality of infrastructure in the city, identifying, and support of strong candidates for public office at all levels of governance, and creating a safer city where the rule of law is ensured for all citizens of Bengaluru as highlighted in B.PAC charter and agenda for Bengaluru.
The DLC B.PAC Leadership Program aims to create a pool of informed citizens who have the ability to work on various civic issues important to the citizens.
With the aim to bring about positive social change, DLC maps and facilitates partnerships between its global community of Entrepreneurs, Professionals & Young Leaders with carefully vetted NGOs and NPOs. DLC is present in 15 Chapters in 7 Countries. Every Chapter has mutually independent DLC Social Impact Cause Committees to tackle any/all the 54 causes identified under 20 core areas