Kaivalya Yoga Institute
The Yoga Institute was founded in 1997 by Dr. Nitin Unkule. We have conducted Yoga sessions for various High Level VIP's, Top Notch Corporates in Pune and the estemeed Pune Police Force. Yoga is today globally recognised as a systematic meditative, therapeutic, and curative practice. There is an ever-increasing need and awareness for stronger immunity, steady recovery, and a balanced healthy lifestyle. Yoga is a way of life and not only Asana, therefore practical applications of yoga include the philosophies behind the techniques of yoga and its implementation in improving the quality of our daily life. The techniques of Yoga aim at removing the cause of the physical illness if any, after that improving the mental attributes on having a calm mind (concentrated and steady) thereby realizing one’s own spiritual self and one's purpose in life.
Curated offers for DLC Members
Kaivalya Yoga InstitutePune
The Yoga Institute was founded in 1997 by Dr. Nitin Unkule. We have conducted Yoga sessions for various High Level VIP's, Top Notch Corporates in Pune and the esteemed Pune Police Force.
Yoga is today globally recognized as a systematic meditative, therapeutic, and curative practice. There is an ever-increasing need and awareness for stronger immunity, steady recovery, and a balanced healthy lifestyle.
Yoga is a way of life and not only Asana, therefore practical applications of yoga include the philosophies behind the techniques of yoga and its implementation in improving the quality of our daily life. The techniques of Yoga aim at removing the cause of the physical illness if any, after that improving the mental attributes on having a calm mind (concentrated and steady) thereby realizing one’s own spiritual self and one's purpose in life.
Offers Details
1. Free 1-on-1 Lifestyle Modification Session with DLC Members that lasts 50 minutes with
2. Free Diet Plan for 1 Month for DLC Members.
3. Specially Curated Workshop – Mind Power and Mind Awakening.
4. Specially Curated Workshop -Dynamic and Transcendental Meditation course.
5. 6 Months Special Yoga Sessions for DLC Members only.