2nd DLC Forum Training & Induction Program – A New Approach
DLC HQ & Studios, Mumbai, India17/12/2022
After conducting the first ever and a very successful master class in forum training and induction on December 1st, DLC returns with the second edition of the same with a fresh outlook and new expert guest speakers such as Andro Donovan, Mo Fathelbab and Alana Winter. These speakers sit at the very pinnacle of forum training and moderation, and they were joined by Salil Chaturvedi and Zaheer Khan in speaking about the importance of forums in the life of a leader.
Forums are a game-changing concept for entrepreneurs, CXOs, and individuals driving leadership teams who very often find it incredibly lonely at the top. At DLC it is not just our intention to provide forums for our members, but like everything else, to disrupt the very fabric of how they are otherwise conducted.
Zaheer Khan
Group CEO | De-RisQ Group of Companies | Mumbai | DLC Global Security & Cyber Security Committee
Jimmy Mistry
Founder & CEO | Della Leaders Club | Mumbai | DLC Global Leadership & Transformation Committee