Andro Donovan

Andro Donovan A fully accredited YPO, EO, and DLC facilitator with a staggering 20 years of experience in facilitating groups such as YPO Forums, Spousal Forums, and Corporate Executive teams. So, when this global leadership development coach and author tells us why forums are a game changer in our lives everyone listens with rapt attention. Andro stressed on the importance of how forums are integral emotional supports and why it is important to create safe zones for members as they begin to shed their vulnerabilities over the course of their forum journeys.

Andro Donovan


A.D. Consulting

UK, London

Andro is a Certified Facilitator for YPO and Facilitator for EO. She is a globally sought after facilitator, team development coach, speaker and author of Motivate Yourself. She is also well known for her life-changing off-site retreats. AD Consulting is…read more

Ep 1 -Meet Your Instructor

Andro Donovan A fully accredited YPO, EO, and DLC facilitator with a staggering 20 years of experience in facilitating groups such as YPO Forums, Spousal Forums, and Corporate Executive teams. So, when this global leadership development coach and author tells us why forums are a game changer in our lives everyone listens with rapt attention. Andro stressed on the importance of how forums are integral emotional supports and why it is important to create safe zones for members as they begin to shed their vulnerabilities over the course of their forum journeys.

  • 1:08
  • 577 days ago

Ep 02 -Why Forums are game changing

When one of the foremost authorities in forum training and facilitation gives you a masterclass you can’t help but pay close attention and listen. Watch Andro Donovan join us from London, UK. Andro introduces members to the very concept of a forum before moving on to its most sacrosanct traditions, values, and their emotional importance to help elevate your lives.

  • 07
  • 577 days ago

Ep 03 -Presenting the Emotional Quotient

Having moderated and been a part of multiple forums for over 20 years, Andro Donovan compiles her learnings and experiences in a presentation on Forum training that is immeasurable in value,

  • 44
  • 577 days ago

Ep 04 -Q& A with a Forum Authority

Watch Andro Donovan answer questions from members like you present at the event as she slowly and surely explains the importance and value of forums to them.

  • 08
  • 577 days ago

Ep 05 -Behind the Scenes with Andro

It’s always fun to go behind the scenes and interact with the High Priestess forum training as she joins us live from the UK. This BTS is prepared especially so that you don’t miss out on even a second of learning.

  • 03
  • 577 days ago



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