Lack of awareness has created a barrier within the world of meat lovers, witness David outline a new perspective for them

Leadership & Transformation Committee

New York Chapter

Ep 1 -Meet Steve Rodgers

Steve Rodgers has a knack for bringing out the best in people. He considers himself to be a leader who helps others discover, maximize, and increase their highest good and purpose in life and business. Steve’s sense of commitment is strikingly evident in the business sphere. Embracing challenges big and small, he consistently finds a way to maximize the inner workings of companies.

  • 07:15
  • 1033 days ago

Ep 2 -Steve’s positive ideology

Steve believes that you needn’t be a powerhouse business to share in the good fortune. Many a first-time entrepreneur has discovered the road to success thanks to Steve’s rock-solid guidance. Every positive impact he makes is a windfall from his overriding goal: find the best ways for companies or individuals to increase their happiness and fulfillment on all levels.

  • 09:05
  • 1033 days ago

Ep 4 -forced or chosen transitions

In this episode, Steve shares his life story, the principles he applies to his life and business, inviting greatness in and taking advantage of forced or chosen transitions. Steve claims that forced transitions either refine you or destroy you - the distinction comes down to how you define yourself and view the worst moments of your life. If you remain constant as the calm in your storm, you’ll learn that ups and downs are part of the formula of building a fulfilling life. Keep your eye on what’s important- your bonds, your being, your body, and your business. Steve explains that if you lead with what you have and not who you are - you stand in the way of letting greatness in. When you invite greatness in, you completely transform the why of what you’re doing.

  • 09:15
  • 1033 days ago

Ep 5 -lead to gold

Steve tells you what all to provide yourself with the various tools that are necessary to take the challenges that you face every day and turn them into positive forces that enhance growth rather than diminish it.

  • 09:15
  • 1033 days ago

Ep 6 -Being opportunistic in a crisis

Learn from Steve how a crisis can emerge new and incredible opportunities, particularly if traditional approaches and paradigms are questioned and challenged. During a crisis, incentives and motivations change, potentially leading to new cooperative behaviors and even to the creation of new systems or structures. Crisis can get the collective adrenaline flowing, focusing minds to solve the problem at hand.

  • 8:15
  • 1033 days ago

Ep 7 -Finding a higher purpose in life

Steve tells you how to take something of value and turn it into something more conceivable value. What are the things in your life that you can turn into gold? Make a list.

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  • 1033 days ago

Ep 8 -Have a simple, positive mentality

Steve explains how a simple and positive mentality can first, reduces the burden of stress that usually accompanies any new problem--because the problem is viewed in a positive light, it's less intimidating. Second, it contextualizes the problem. Because the mind immediately starts thinking about the effects and potential responses to the problem, it can be broken down and analyzed easier. Third, it encourages growth--this mentality forces you to adapt and improve on a constantly recurring basis. Finally, it's self-perpetuating. Every problem you view or solve this way makes future problems easier to handle, forming a positive cycle of reinforcement.

  • 8:15
  • 1033 days ago

Ep 9 -Reticular activating system (RAS)

Steve gives an insight as to how our brains have nerve pathways called the reticular activating system (RAS). The RAS receives directions from various parts of the brain, decides which pieces are useful to achieve the command, and makes it happen. What this means is we can program our mind to be positive and search for viable solutions. Developing the right mindset is the best solution for overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.

  • 8:15
  • 1033 days ago

Ep 10 -Build resilience to turn challenges

Steve talks about the importance of resilience and how highly resilient people are flexible, adapt to new circumstances quickly, and thrive in constant change. He talks about how resilient people do not bounce back from hard experiences; they find healthy ways to integrate them into their lives. He explains how your capacity to recover quickly from difficulties has a lot to do with your long-term success in every endeavor.

  • 9:15
  • 1033 days ago

Ep 11 -Choose to ride or fall

Steve reiterates as to how sometimes; it takes moments where we’re backed into a corner to find out what we’re truly capable of. If you happen to be a surfer, the waves make a great analogy. When you’re faced with an immense wave, you can choose to either ride the waves or let it knock you down (and possibly drown you).

  • 7:15
  • 1033 days ago

Ep 11 -Recognize and accept your weaknesses

Steve explains how you can't turn a weakness into a strength if you're busy denying the weakness that exists. He insists how important it is to recognize that you have weaknesses and determine what they are.

  • 7:15
  • 1033 days ago



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