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Design Thinking Expert with over 700+ "Best Selling" products designed for clients worldwide.

Curated offers for DLC Members

Paul SandipPune

Design Thinking Expert with over 700+ "Best Selling" products designed for clients worldwide. PAUL SANDIP has designed and developed more than 700+ products in collaboration with MNC's, MSME's and Start-Up's worldwide. Many of which have become "Iconic Best Selling Products" thus helping multiply their business growth. He caters to New Product Development needs of the industry across various sectors such as IoT, Home Automation, Medical Devices, Consumer Electronics, Switches & Accessories, Lighting, Home / Kitchen Appliances, Furniture, Infant Products, Toys, Stationary, Housewares, Fashion, Lifestyle and Home Décor products.


Offer 1:

Title: Design Thinking (Talk/Webinar)

The Sensitization program is aimed to create awareness about the role & benefits of design thinking in enhancing creative problem solving capabilities, thereby enabling individuals in coming up with human centric ideas that can contribute to the growth of the organization and accelerate business success.These sessions comprise of a 30 min. presentation followed by Question & Answer

Offer 2:

Title: Design Thinking (Workshop)

Design Thinking is an iterative process in which designers seek to understand the user, challenge assumptions and redefine problems in an attempt to identify alternate solutions that might not be instantly apparent with our initial level of understanding. Design Thinking can add substantial value to your business. It is a practice which must be acquired by business leaders seeking the right tools to innovate. It helps develop competitive advantages with human centered design. This module is designed to introduce the participants with the 4 main aspects of Design Thinking. It will be supported with case studies explaining the process from need identification to final product creation as well as the necessity to develop a human quality, Empathy.

Offer 3:

Title: Design Thinking (Ideation Workshop)

Focused group ideation workshop is a very quick and effective way to harness the ideas of a large group of people from different backgrounds. If you are an organization looking to identify “best ideas” for wicked business problems, we could bring together your employees to share their experiences and brainstorm together with us.