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Mike Flache is an advisor and mentor, former entrepreneur and angel investor. Together with talented teams, he builds digital businesses worldwide. Onalytica’s analysts named him one of the top-10 global thought leaders in digital transformation. Mike helps high-tech innovators in Silicon Valley, Europe, and Asia grow and scale. He is also a partner of Fortune 500 companies and technology vendors. Mike has worked with executives from companies such as the Silicon Valley Innovation Center, Google, Amazon, Huawei, Fundment, and Mercedes-Benz.

Curated offers for DLC Members

Mike FlacheLondon

Mike Flache is an advisor and mentor, former entrepreneur and angel investor. Together with talented teams, he builds digital businesses worldwide. Onalytica’s analysts named him one of the top-10 global thought leaders in digital transformation. Mike helps high-tech innovators in Silicon Valley, Europe, and Asia grow and scale. He is also a partner of Fortune 500 companies and technology vendors. Mike has worked with executives from companies such as the Silicon Valley Innovation Center, Google, Amazon, Huawei, Fundment, and Mercedes-Benz.

Optimize the ROI of Your Digital Growth

An Exclusive Video Chat for DLC Members across the globe.

▪ 75% of digital growth initiatives fall short of their ROI targets

▪ In your 1-on-1 video chat, you will receive instant feedback tailored to your unique situation

▪ New impulses for decision-makers to scale their B2B business more profitably in the digital world

▪ An answer to a single question
▪ A 20-minute live dialogue
▪ Recurring live chats

Every year Mike Flache is available for a select number of engagements around the world.